Depending on the type of insurance policy you have, you can change it by advising us in 30 days to cancel.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I change my insurance before the end of its term?
How do I know if my cover is about to expire?
You can always contact your nearest agent for this information or you can check on your policy document the dates of expiry.
What is an education policy?
This is a life policy that has been specifically developed to cater for the school fees needs of the policy holder’s child.
How does a life policy work?
Depending on the kind of plan that you choose, a life cover basically covers you in the event that you come to an untimely demise eg a life cover on your life or covers you towards a future goal eg saving for school fees
Can I take cover for my child who is above 18 years?
The only insurance policy that allows for children above 18 years to be covered is Medical. You will be required to provide proof of schooling but only up to the age of 24 years. The other option is to purchase the medical or any other insurance policy of your choice for your child with them being the policy holder.
What is a medical policy?
A medical policy is a health insurance cover that takes care of your needs as well as that of your family through either inpatient limits or outpatient limits. An inpatient cover covers you in the event that you have to be admitted overnight in the hospital while the outpatient cover covers you against general illnesses and accidents.
What is a personal accident cover?
A personal accident cover is a personalised insurance policy that caters for your personal needs by covering yourself against any accidental incidences that might occur. This includes Accidental Death, Permanent Total Disability, Accidental Medical expenses, Artificial Appliances and Funeral services.
What does home insurance cover?
The home insurance covers you comprehensively a package where you are able to include your home (building), household contents, personal effects, your domestic employees and third parties.
What does motor insurance cover?
Motor insurance has been specifically created to make sure that your motor vehicle has been covered against loss or damage; either comprehensively or Third Party against Comprehensive means that in the event of an accident, your motor insurance will cater for the needs of your car as well as any third parties affected. Third Party means that in the event of an accident, only third parties affected as a result of the accident are covered.
What is a policy document?
This is a document that clearly indicates the schedules attached to your insurance policy like the insurance company, the period of insurance, the premium paid, the limits of liability etc
What is insurable interest?
A person is said to have an insurable interest when the loss or damage to something would cause financial loss to the person. For example: if you own a car and you insurance, you are considered to have insurable interest as you are the one that the car belongs to.
Who is a policy holder?
A policy holder is the person who has an insurable interest in an insurance policy.
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